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Greenbrier Track


  • Address:  4080 Moore Road, Grady, Alabama, 36036 (Call 334-224-1454 if lost).
  • Full Cycle Track Length:  4.2 K meters
  • Men’s Track Length:  8K (Two laps with modifications on second lap)
  • Women’s Track Length:  5.95K (Will be modified in 2019 to exact 6K).  1.5 laps with separate women’s  joinder section
  • Terrain:  Flat to gently rolling with one significant hill climb of approximately 550 meters on the east side of Greenbrier Creek.  Flat on the west side of Greenbrier Creek.  Track crosses Greenbrier Creek in two places.  Track terrain has been substantially modified to create solid footing in all areas, and Huntingdon College personnel have cut the track two-times weekly since May of 2018.
  • Track Width is 4 meters with exception of wide starting area and one of the two crossings across Greenbrier Creek (2.5 meter bridge at the approximate 2-mile point). 
  • Marked Coaches One-Mile area just on the west side of the creek crossing. 
  • Separate Spectator walking paths cut closely to track height at 6 foot width.  These paths are easy to identify and distinguish from the track itself.  These spectator paths generally parallel the men and women’s track for a significant portion of both tracks. 
  • Where to start out to watch the race:  Take your pick of spectator paths all along both sides of the starting and finishing area.  Paths also extend down the hills alongside the track both downhill on the north side of the property and downhill in the middle section of the property.  All of the spectator paths in each area are accessible from the starting/finish area. 
  • Headquarters for the teams will be in the grove of oak trees on a ridge overlooking South Montgomery County and the uphill section of the trail.  This is a good, cooler place for spectators to set up.  Pick a spot underneath the many oak trees with open views of the track.  Paths leave this area to all sections of both the men’s and women’s track. 

The Property: Owned by avid conservationist and Huntingdon Trustee, Dave Borden and his wife, Lynda, the Borden’s have improved the property building three Green Tree Reservoirs and one Migratory Bird Habitat.  The GTR’s and MBH are home to Big Blue and Little Blue Herons, Wood Ducks, Geese, and a host of other migrating birds, along with wild coveys of Quail, Turkeys, and Deer.  The Borden’s also planted longleaf pine and bottomland hardwood oaks in 2011 reestablishing wildlife habitat and riparian buffers along Greenbrier Creek.  The track starts out on a high open ridge running north and south and then meanders through the planted oaks and longleaf, crosses the creek, and runs alongside the Green Tree Reservoirs and Greenbrier Creek on the west side of the creek.  The track then re-crosses Greenbrier Creek traversing the somewhat challenging uphill section, loops south at the top of the high ridge and then returns to the open starting and finishing area.